Monday, December 10, 2007


This story was about a boy named Alvin (which made me think of Alvin and the Chipmunks) who decides it's time to go out into the world and explore on his own. I applauded this decision because Alvin's mother was treating him like a little boy and even having him walked to school by an adult! I did find the story of him making it all the way into northern Alaska a little unbelievable. I was looking for some more action packed adventure. Alvin kept talking about a polar bear, so I expected to read about a run in with a polar bear. I also wanted more of a homecoming with what the mother and grandmother thought of this runaway. Interesting book, but I was looking for more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Gillis I applaud you for being so brave to make a statement about this book I don't think I am going to read it anymore.
